Everything 1.5 can damage your mental health!

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Everything 1.5 can damage your mental health!

Post by ChrisGreaves »

I speak from experience.
Over the past two years, off and on, I have been exploring Everything's ability to spot duplicates, especially with a way to identify true duplicates in the audio sense. By this I mean any case where I have two copies of an audio file - two vocal or two instrumental versions that to my ears sound alike. NOT two representations of Beethoven's Ninth, two copies where ONE of the copies has five minutes of applause stripped from the start and end of the track.

This advanced search will give you an idea of how I have pestered this community for the past TWO YEARS.

I am now out on a day-pass. :D :D

Yesterday I reported on a major success (for me).
The suggestion of

Code: Select all

t:\music\ ext:Mp3 dupe:size;sha256 
brought me delightfully close to my goal.

This morning, refreshed and as bright as a button, I went back to the problem, and as a starting-point re-ran the search "t:\music\ ext:Mp3 dupe:size;sha256", only to find zero results?
Yesterday it worked fine; I ran in multiple times. Brilliant.
This morning ¡NADA!

I poured a stronger coffee, Tools, Options, Indexes, Force rebuild. ==> zero results
Reloaded Everything 1.5. ==> zero results
Rebooted ==> zero results
scratched head
I'm no fool!
Confirmed that the keyword is Sha256 and not Sha254 ==> zero results
Removed the ;SHA256 term ==> 2,619 results
Removed the DUPE: term ==> 19,894 results
scratched head

Finally the penny dropped: After running and happily re-running all those tests yesterday, I deleted the duplicates. Today there are no duplicates. The duplicates are all gone. And that is why "t:\music\ ext:Mp3 dupe:size;sha256" reports zero results.

You'd have to be crazy not to realize this, right?

I am taking the rest of the day off (grin), but Thanks to all who have helped me get this far.

Cheers, Chris
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