I am using the latest available build of Everything 1.5 Alpha.
I have a folders with 1000 images (each is about 14k pixels wide). All the thumbnails are cached by Windows and when I open the folder, it shows instantly all the thumbnails. However, when I open the folder using Everything, it loads the thumbnails one after the other.
So I searched the forum before and checked the following:
/shell_item_image_factory and /extract_image are set to 1.Please ensure Everything is running as a standard user.
In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
Click the General tab on the left.
Check Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything
Uncheck Run as administrator.
Check Everything Service. (Please make sure this is tick-checked and not square-checked)
Click OK.
Exit Everything (right click the Everything tray icon and click Exit).
Restart Everything.
I am on Windows 11 with a high-end CPU/GPU.
Is there something else I should check?
Thank you.