Phrase search using system-index

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Phrase search using system-index

Post by YouAreMyEverything »


love the new features, especially content searching.

I am unclear on one thing. Is the following search,

si:"some words in a phrase"

supposed to give me a list of files containing the exact phrase, or a list of files that contain all the words?

How do I specify exact phrase?

File Explorer's own search works using the exact phrase. On my system, the same search gives me, 2 documents in Explorer and 500 in Everything.

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Re: Phrase search using system-index

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback YouAreMyEverything,

Double quotes escape spaces and special characters in Everything.

To pass double quotes to si:, please try the following:

si:"&quot:some words in a phrase&quot:"

&quot: is replaced with a literal double quote.
You will still need to use double quotes to escape the spaces.


si*:"some words in a phrase"

si*: will treat the rest of your search as the system index search.
The double quotes will be treated literally.

how to search "=" with system-index
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