[advice] personal observation and experience regarding properties indexing system

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[advice] personal observation and experience regarding properties indexing system

Post by asamirid »

greetings all,

last week i had a hard time rebuilding system index all over again ..

everything suddenly became so sluggish and hangs all the time when do search and run to almost any file type.

although it was stable for years even with continuous configuration changes and modifications. i had an excellent solid long experience.

i started a series of diagnostics to find out what is going on ..

and surprisingly i found that all the problems comes from trying to index properties of webp image format.

specifically the animated webp images in my image collection.

what was really strange is that the webm video format doesn't any trouble regarding index, search or playing.

i also found alot of errors in everything console when it freezes saying ntfs reading errors in red.

all this problems disappeared when i removed webp from all properties indexing aspects.

i also thought that i would share what file types i do properties index for, if any is useless or can bring troubles in the future i would like to know and be prepared.

here is the list ..

Code: Select all

Artist		*.mp3;*.m4a;*.ogg;*.wma
Aspect Ratio	*.avif;*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;*.tif;*.tiff;*.mkv;*.mp4;*.avi;*.flv;*.webm
Bit Depth	*.avif;*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;*.tif;*.tiff;*.mkv;*.mp4;*.avi;*.flv;*.webm
Camera Model	*.avif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.tif;*.tiff;*.webm
Comment		*.mp3;*.ogg;*.jpg;*.jpeg
Dimensions	*.avif;*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;*.tif;*.tiff;*.mkv;*.mp4;*.m4v;*.avi;*.flv;*.webm;
Length		*.avif;*.mp3;*.m4a;*.wav;*.ogg;*.mkv;*.mp4;*.m4v;*.avi;*.flv;*.webm;
Page Count	*.doc;*.docx;*.pdf;*.xls;*.xlsx
Rating		*.mp3;*.m4a;*.wma
Tags		*.mp3;*.jpg;*.jpeg
Title		*.mp3;*.m4a;*.ogg;*.mp4;*.mkv;*.avi;*.mpg

sorry for the messy thoughts .. but i wanted to share the experience it maybe helpful to others.
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Re: [advice] personal observation and experience regarding properties indexing system

Post by therube »

alot of errors in everything console when it freezes saying ntfs reading errors in red
Happen to note what the errors were?
problems disappeared when i removed webp from all properties
I take it that for the Properties you've listed, you removed webp from all of those [relevant] Properties [for webp], or were there other webp related Properties that you had indexed, before, not now shown above?
specifically the animated webp images
Happen to note if it were all animated webp that caused the issue, or only particular?
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