Command line options for the Export command found under the 'File' menu

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Command line options for the Export command found under the 'File' menu

Post by Ralf_Reddings »

The current command line means of creating Filelists (
) is rather very limited compared to what can be achieved with the GUI window, under
, Through the GUI these options are available:


For example, if I had a window like the above , its possible to export the above view into a

Code: Select all

Further more its also possible to specify only selected files by ticking Export Selection Only, so from the above file selection, only file
are exported:

Code: Select all

Everything 1.5 command line options makes it possible to control allot of the user interface elements such as details view, thumbnail sizes etc and see the changes reflected in the most recent Everything window. Making it possible to automate the Everything GUI in a variety of ways and to create various workflows.

Some of the automations/workflows potential is limited by the lack of means to control the Export (
) command from the command line. Can we please get a means to export in formats like
and to also specify " Export Selection Only" just like the Export dialog window, this can just be based on the most recent Everything window

Thank you.
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command line options for the Export command found under the 'File' menu

Post by void »

ES has a more export options available.

ES needs an update for Everything 1.5.

I'll consider more export options for ES when it is updated, such as exporting to json/html.
-maybe add a way to select files from ES?

Thank you for the suggestions.
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Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2023 4:53 pm

Re: Command line options for the Export command found under the 'File' menu

Post by Ralf_Reddings »

void wrote: Wed Oct 11, 2023 10:16 am ES has a more export options available.

ES needs an update for Everything 1.5.

I'll consider more export options for ES when it is updated, such as exporting to json/html.
-maybe add a way to select files from ES?

Thank you for the suggestions.

Hey Void, I think there has been a misunderstanding. I am particularly asking about the Command-line Options for the Everything 1.5 executable. My main need is a means of working with the search objects/result of an existing Everything window such as the following window:

For example
Everything64 -thumbnails
would set the above windows view to thumbnails. In that vain, I am asking for a
command line feature that performs the exact same functions as the Everything GUI; working with the current objects/results.

My main need for this is to generate Filelists from an Everything window without relying on user interfaces such as the windows Export Result List (Windows "Save as" dialog)

The current solutions, both ES Cli tool and the Everything64
command don't let your work on an Everything window, instead they both expect you to provide a path.
Posts: 17310
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command line options for the Export command found under the 'File' menu

Post by void »

I will consider a command line interface to manipulate a GUI window.
Thank you for the suggestions.

For now, please consider:
/copy in a bookmark (and optionally bind it to a shortcut key)

The Copy as CSV/TSV commands under Tools -> Options -> Keyboard.

Please find these command IDs in the Everything SDK if you would like to call externally from a script.
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