Code: Select all
t: ext:doc !content: count:200
I have not yet reached my cut-off point of a count of 200 items.
I think "What's the smallest size (bytes) Document that I have found so far?", so I click on the SIZE column heading to sort the list.
And Everything re-starts the search (Querying...1 items, Querying...2 items, Querying...3 items, ...)
I'd prefer that Everything went on searching, adding items to the foot of a sorted list.
When a list is sorted, a view from the top is a good starting point.
Of course I think of Everything as having an internal list of DOCument files which it processes in a serial fashion, but that list of files need not change. After the current partial-Result list is sorted, Everything could continue to work through its internal file list and append new entries to the rear of the sorted list, thereby rendering it un-sorted until the next Sort request on a column header.
Perhaps the right-hand end of the status bar could be cleared to indicate that now, the result list is not really in a sorted sequence?
I've been telling people for years that I am a new user, so I may have misunderstood something here.

Thanks, Chris