How would I embed Everything in Excel VBA

General discussion related to "Everything".
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How would I embed Everything in Excel VBA

Post by j2associates »

I have this scenario:
a. There is a Reports folder with thousands of files in it
b. I need to scan the Reports folder to match a user selection using a regular expression (e.g. Sales*Inv*)
There might be Sales Invoice, Sales - Invoice, Sales Inv Archive, etc.
c. Then I need to iterate the result set and do further processing

So basically, I think I need to emulate a command line with RegEx enabled, something like the following:
ReportsFolder regex:UserSelection

1. Am I on the right track
2. How do I ensure RegEx is enabled and enable it if it is not
3. How do I find and iterate the result set

Thanks in advance for any help and/or suggestions!
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Re: How would I embed Everything in Excel VBA

Post by froggie »

Excel VBA supports both Regex and reading directories. Plenty of examples online. As much as I love Everything, It might be simplier & easier to just stay within Excel
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Re: How would I embed Everything in Excel VBA

Post by NotNull »

Where is the relation with Excel VBA?

I think we need more (real-life) details to give you an answer.

BTW: Sales*Inv* is not a correct regular expresssion. Technically it is, but it will not find the files/foders you are looking for.
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Re: How would I embed Everything in Excel VBA

Post by void »

Please find an Everything SDK Visual Basic example here:

Please try wildcards instead of Regex.
Wildcards are enabled by default.
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Re: How would I embed Everything in Excel VBA

Post by j2associates »

You are correct, that was not a correct regex. Sorry, got in too much of a hurry.

I downloaded the zip file, but it is looking for an Everything32.dll which is not included in the zip file.
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Re: How would I embed Everything in Excel VBA

Post by void »

You willl find the Everything32.dll in the Everything SDK.
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