Everything command configuration question

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Everything command configuration question

Post by kazzybash »

hi there, could anyone tell please me how the following can be achieved by Everything:

-for the contents of a folder give my keyword in the searchbar (this I am able to do :P )

-in case keyword is present in filenames those will show in the results

-now, I am NOT interested in processing the files that come up in the results following my keywords. I am interested in being able to process ALL of the other files, if any, in that particular folder.

-First: how to configure this searchtype using one keyword?

-Second: say I do have 13 keywords I want to search a folder for, keyword1, keyword2 and so on. How do I separate them in the search command so that I can perform the task in one command? Using ';' as a separator does not work for me yet.

Thanks a lot!
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Re: Everything command configuration question

Post by void »

Do you want to include files in subfolders?

Please try the following search:

"c:\path\to\folder\" !<keyword1|keyword2|keyword3|...>

where c:\path\to\folder is your folder of interest.
! = NOT
< > = grouping
| = OR
... replace with more keywords as needed.

The above will match files in subfolders.
Include the following in your search to ignore subfolders:
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Re: Everything command configuration question

Post by kazzybash »

thanks a bunch, will try this out with pleasure! regards kazzy
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Re: Everything command configuration question

Post by kazzybash »

Hello all, hello void, this did work, but after a while when using this seach command I do get all files that do have the keywords in their name (and yes I do still use the ‘!’). Weird no? I trying to figure out what goes wrong. Is the number of possible keywords in one command maybe limited (say to 8 words or something)? Regards, kazzy
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Re: Everything command configuration question

Post by void »

There's no limit.

Could you please post your search or send it to support@voidtools.com ?

Please make sure you escape any spaces with quotes.

For example:

!<keyword1|keyword2|"foo bar">
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Re: Everything command configuration question

Post by kazzybash »

hi, had a look into it. The problem appears to be absent at the moment, weird... When it returns, I will with it. Thanks!! Kazzy
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Re: Everything command configuration question

Post by kazzybash »

I do have some additional questions about keywords though.

Say I have files named:


I want the query to in-/exclude files that have names formatted like the first 3 in the example above. With the first 4 (or 3, 5, 6) characters like this "###."

How could that be achieved?

My second question:

Say I have files named:


I want the query to in-/exclude files that have names formatted like the first 3 in the example above (starting with the "_" or "__" etc). I do NOT want files that have the _ or __ in the other parts of the name (not starting with them).

How could that be achieved?

Kind regards, Kazzy
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Re: Everything command configuration question

Post by void »

I want the query to in-/exclude files that have names formatted like the first 3 in the example above. With the first 4 (or 3, 5, 6) characters like this "###."

regex: = enable regular expressions.
^ = match start of filename
\d+ = match one or more digits
\. = match a single literal .

Prefix with ! to exclude, for example:


I want the query to in-/exclude files that have names formatted like the first 3 in the example above (starting with the "_" or "__" etc). I do NOT want files that have the _ or __ in the other parts of the name (not starting with them).
Please try the following search:

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Re: Everything command configuration question

Post by kazzybash »

thanks David! The second one (regex:^_+) does produce exactly the results I am looking for.

The first one (regex:^\d+\.) produces wanted mixed with unwanted results.

For instance 2.txt (and/or 513236190445411.txt) is coming up, but unwanted. The formatting is important to my query: 000.filename.ext

-Could some tweaking exclude the file-extension (including the dot) from results? That would weed out a number of the unwanted already.
-Could some other kind of expression rule "the first three characters of the filename need to be numbers followed by a dot" to be queried?

Kind regards, thanks a bunch once more, kazzy
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Re: Everything command configuration question

Post by void »

The first one (regex:^\d+\.) produces wanted mixed with unwanted results.
Please try the following search:


This search will match filenames starting with 3 to 5 digits, immediately followed by a: . then followed by some text and finally another .
\d{3,5} = match 3 to 5 digits -adjust this as needed. -use \d{3} to match only 3 digits
[^.]* = match any character (except .) any number of times.

-Could some tweaking exclude the file-extension (including the dot) from results? That would weed out a number of the unwanted already.
Please try the stem: search function.
The stem is the name without the dot (.) and extension part


A Stem column can be added from right-clicking the result list column header.

-Could some other kind of expression rule "the first three characters of the filename need to be numbers followed by a dot" to be queried?

The formatting is important to my query: 000.filename.ext
Can there be a . in the filename part?
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Re: Everything command configuration question

Post by kazzybash »

Thanks a lot David, works like a charm!

You ask: ‘Can there be a . in the filename part?’

I am not sure what you are asking, because, say, ‘001.filename.txt’ is perfectly possibl, isn’t it?

Regards, kazzy
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