I'm using the TEXTJOIN formula to generate output on Column 1 for EXE files:
Code: Select all
column1:=TEXTJOIN(" - ",TRUE,product-name:,property-system:system.itemnamedisplaywithoutextension:,product-version:).extension: add-column:column1 extension:exe
to look like this instead:XTUSetup.exe
The issue is right now I'm just using context menu, copy column 1, one file at a time. This would take forever. When you use Advance Rename you can select the Column 1 property: $column-1:Intel Extreme Tuning Utility - XTUSetup -
But when added to New Format it doesn't produce a result. So figure it either doesn't work that way, or I'm just doing it wrong. If it doesn't work that way, it'd be really awesome to have.