Maybe requiring spaces around the brackets..
(So for some time now, I've been meaning to get around to posting about,
& yesterday when this thread popped, I thought I ought to get around to
posting about... So... let me find what I noted some time back...
Just going to post it as it was written.)
Code: Select all
<regex:red/\d\d|blue01 ->
i had /something/ like above
& i was not getting any red hits, only blue?
(red/ is meant to mean a directory path/path-part ending in "red" [DOESN'T MATTER])
[more correctly; i have, regex:<red\d\d OR blue01> AND -]
<regex:red/\d\d | blue01 ->
i put spaces in there
& with that i had both red & blue
[more correctly; i have, regex:red\d\d OR <blue01 AND ->]
and if there is a | without whitepace (surrounding it)
any other search terms are *AND*'d to *EACH* of the regex:
|'d parts
so: regex:red|blue 999 is the same as
999 regex:red | 999 regex:blue
so: red 999 is a hit
red is NOT
99 red is NOT
blue 999 is a hit
blue 999 red is a hit
9 blue is NOT
so: regex:red | blue 999 is the same as
regex:red OR <blue AND 999>
so: all the above red's are hits (incl. "blue 999 red"),
& the 2 "blue 999s" are hits
- but NOT "9 blue"
AH, SO /THAT/ is what the DEAL is !!!
(& in my results, below, while red/04 is a hit, in the case where
there is no whitespace around the |, the - was also being looked
for; so, red/04 *AND* -, & red/04 has no -, so THAT is why results
were not returned - AH !
Code: Select all
04 (with a path ending in, so c:/out123456/red/04)
08 (with a path ending in ...)
12 (with a path ending in ...)
blue01 - 12
blue01 - 14
blue01 - vi
Code: Select all
without the <sp> in there ([01-] vs [01 -]), or without the final -,
i (also) do get the reds (& blues) [BUT, THEY ARE *DIFFERENT* BLUES ?]
did i need an ESC somewhere?
or ?
red\ or red\\ or red\\\ also made no difference
outside of the <grouping> also made no difference
blue01\s- & blue01.- does get things working [POSSIBLY DIFFERENTLY]
so when i | in the context of the regex:
regex: is interpreting a non-whitepace |
as part of the regex:
(as part of a singular search)
where the whitepace breaks the search
into a regex: OR a <simple search> (assuming it's simple)
so then why if there is no whitespace, what is the lone - causing to happen?
the very same happens
or does it?
i should be finding red/01 OR blue01 OR -
but i'm not?
so then, what "terminates" a regex: search term?
or, why does having a | in a "regex search term"
fail to find (a valid) first part when the
second part has a whitespace in there?
| in a regex:
not surrounded by whitespace
causes the entire search term to be used as part of each part of the regex: search term
will find a OR b
123 regex:a|b