AbcDefGhi <-- Shouldn't this be one of the results?
Match Whole Words - first letter uppercase
Re: Match Whole Words - first letter uppercase
No, Everything only treats punctuation and spaces as word breaks.
You would need a specific regex search to match word boundaries and case changes:
I can understand the usefulness of being able to search words for filenames using the camelcase style: AbcDefGhi
I'll look into an option to do this.
Breaking the camelcase filename into words and then searching for these words for a matching whole word could be done with something like:
global:case:regex:([A-Z][a-z0-9]*) ww:regmatches:abc
You would need a specific regex search to match word boundaries and case changes:
I can understand the usefulness of being able to search words for filenames using the camelcase style: AbcDefGhi
I'll look into an option to do this.
Breaking the camelcase filename into words and then searching for these words for a matching whole word could be done with something like:
global:case:regex:([A-Z][a-z0-9]*) ww:regmatches:abc