and from ... s-metadata that there are multiple metadata file.Everything listens to the NTFS metadata change and so there is no neeed for a rebuild to get changes shown in the search
The problem I met is that
1. when edit the metadata (via file properties dialog > details), e.g. Comment (System.Comment), the comment column of the results doesn't update right away. Sometimes it updates, but more often it does not (quite strange, it updates again when I edit the post ten minutes later).
2. Tried check "index recent changes" but without effect.
2. Tried "Force Rebuild" button, it works as it update all files, but too slow.
Any idea to speed up the indexing of recent metadata changes?
I have tried to modify the access time of the pdf by using FileSetTime (provided by AutoHotkey), but unfortunately this file is opened in my PDF editor, so FileSetTime will fail. Currently I can only wait till I close the file in the PDF editor, the search result will update then.