Status Bar Parts

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Status Bar Parts

Post by void »

The status bar shows the search state in parts on the right.

For example:

CASE is shown if Search -> Match Case is enabled.
Audio is shown if the active filter is set to Audio.
Rescanning H:\ is shown if Everything is currently rescanning your H: drive.

Double clicking a part will clear/disable/cancel that option.

Right click a part for more options.

To hide the total size shown in the status bar:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select: statusbar_total_size
  • Set the value to: false
  • Click OK.

To hide the size grip shown in the status bar:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select: statusbar_sizegrip
  • Set the value to: false
  • Click OK.

To hide the filter part from the status bar:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select: statusbar_filter
  • Set the value to: false
  • Click OK.

To hide the omit result / temp omit part from the status bar:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select: statusbar_omit
  • Set the value to: false
  • Click OK.

To hide the detail/thumbnail view button from the status bar:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select: statusbar_view
  • Set the value to: false
  • Click OK.
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