Feature suggestion: Please provide an "advanced settings" window

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Feature suggestion: Please provide an "advanced settings" window

Post by Raindrops »

Apparently there are many switches like the following, which can be entered in the Search Bar as a command:

Code: Select all

The user cannot be expected to remember all such commands, and the syntax of each individual command.

It is a tedious process if the user has to visit a repository of these commands and search for a suitable command for his purpose.
worse, he is not sure if such a command exists or not in the collection.

It is better to present all such commands as a hierarchical list, where the whole list is broken down in topics and subtopics.
Also there should be a search facility, which also handles synonyms.
For example, "search" and "find" are synonyms (in the context of a file manager).
Also, some of these commands can become cryptic, and the user may not be able to find the command by its name.
So each command should have an attached free-text description.

The best example is advanced settings in Jdownloader2.
Note that the screenshot shows a large number of settings for YouTube.
  • The search bar at the top allows the user to quickly find the control he wants.
  • Each control has a searchable description attached to it.
  • The description can also handle synonyms (if any).
Kindly consider providing an Advanced Controls window, accessible through Tools > Options > Advanced controls menu.
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Re: Feature suggestion: Please provide an "advanced settings" window

Post by raccoon »

In the mean time, you can look at the post that outlines all of the INI Settings, here.


And you can go through all of your ini setting by typing the Searchbar command:

Code: Select all

But I agree, like many others, that a firefox-esque "about:config" settings panel would be quite convenient, especially if the settings descriptions were included there instead of a separate webpage.

I also agree that path_hit_text_only should also default to '0'. :)
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Re: Feature suggestion: Please provide an "advanced settings" window

Post by Raindrops »

I like Sharex's implementation of Advanced properties even better than the JDownloader2's implementation.
Advanced settings.png
Advanced settings.png (58.14 KiB) Viewed 1090 times
  • It has clearer grouping of properties.
  • It has full explanation of the selected property.
There is a major issue with this implementation, though: It cannot search within the property name and explanation.
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Re: Feature suggestion: Please provide an "advanced settings" window

Post by void »

An advanced settings page is on my TODO list.

Thank you for the suggestions.
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