@VOID parts of this topic should, perhaps, be hived off to a separate topic in the General or Suggestions forum?
Hot take: There haven't been "file extensions" since the deprecation of 8.3 short filenames. They were treated very differently in FAT file systems and now modern NTFS et al file systems are completely agnostic about the idea of file extensions.
Thanks for the update raccoon. Shall we start a campaign to remove all mentions of “ext:” and extensions from Everything? I have written up a Backus-Naur Form of my version of file identifiers and you may be pleased to know that I am not too happy about extensions in general. I think of a file’s name as Diary.doc, or image.tar.gz. Basically I think of the “name” as being whatever string is lodged/listed in the folder. In old-school terminology anything except the drive and folder path.
I once knew someone whose filenames were "Diary.txt.doc.xls" because the data started off as a text file, then was migrated into a MSWord document before ending up as a budget spreadsheet. Also email to spreadsheet to document. You name it, they used it!
Want to start a debate? Should the file "image.tar.gz" show "tar.gz" under the Extension column? (hint: it only shows "gz")
A debate? I dunno ... (:lol:) Based on my understanding of DOS conventions, I would consider a file’s name extension to be any symbols to the right of the rightmost period in the file’s name. Showing only “gz” fits in with my understanding.
Any acknowledgement of file extensions by cmd/powershell is purely for ancient backwards compatibility with 20-30 year old Batch Files. For Windows, extensions are known as File Associations, and exist for aesthetics and convenience but have no underlying structure or meaning in the file system. Their only use is to determine which software to open a document in by default.
A debate? OK!!! ... (:lol:) If I have understood this, extent/extensions are whatever the French antonym of
de rigeur is (imprécision, incertitude, inexactitude ...) and those of us who are modern should be using “file association”, which is more difficult to say and type than ext. And who, except me, is still using Batch Files?
However I would contest your stand that “
... have no underlying structure or meaning in the file system. Their only use is to determine which software to open a document in by”. A file’s identifier is part of a file system; it is the route one takes to locate a file. Having found that file, the file system gives us a clue (via the registry (another part of the file system) nowadays) about which application should receive a copy of the file.
Using a part of a file’s identifier to associate that file with a probably useful application seems like co-habitation to me.
Why shouldn't Folders be treated as having a file extension you ask? Because software cannot open a folder as a "document". Windows doesn't try to determine "should this folder be opened up by Microsoft Excel or Word Perfect when double-clicked?"
AhHa! (pounces). A folder is essentially just a file; a special type of file that has as its data, pointers associated with file identifiers. Locate the file identifier in a folder (“file of file names”) and you have access to that file’s pointers which tell you where to start looking for the file's stored data.
A folder is known to be a special type of file, just as a file .DOC is assumed to be a special type of file that can be handled by MSWord, and XLS is a special type of file that can be handled by Excel, and a TXT is ....
We already have "special types of files”, no matter how we identify them.
When I execute the file diary.doc, which is
not tagged as a folder-file, I expect MSWord to leap to attention.
And when I execute the folder-file Folder.DOC I expect Windows Explorer to leap to attention (and to open that folder whose file identifier is Folder.doc
We already know that Windows software can open Folder.doc (when it is the identifier of a folder-file) because explorer shows me the contents (files, mainly) of that folder Folder.doc.
There is no escape from the established fact that a folder CAN have an extent association as that part of a file-identifier that exists to the right of the rightmost period in the file’s name. The only question is “What to do with it”.
I recommend simply removing all dots from your folder names
Good recommendation. But if you were my consultant and I was your client and you came to me saying “The project cannot proceed until everyone has gotten rid of the extents to folders that have them”, I’d start looking for a new consultant!
Sincerely: Best Wishes
