Code: Select all
/expand "\current*\" parents:5 columns:"name;;columna;datemodified;size;attributes" add-layout:folders
columna:=if(child-count-from-disk:<2,if(child-count-from-disk:<1,"No Ini",""),"Info Data Exists") a-label:"Info Data Exists"
In 1391a this is required in the search field of the bookmark:
Code: Select all
/expand "\current*\" parents:5 columns:"name;columna;datemodified;size;attributes" add-layout:folders
columna:=if(child-count-from-disk:<2,if(child-count-from-disk:<1,"""No Ini""",""""""),""""Info Data Exists""") a-label:"""Info Data Exists"""
Questions: Is this now the intended behavior? I read through all the release notes and didn't not see anything that appeared to be applicable.
Thank you.