At the moment I have everything.exe setup with bookmarks and keyboard shortcuts to access search certain directories - like my portable apps directory D:/MyApps/.
I type shift-alt-w and my bookmark fills the everything address bar with: *.exe|*.lnk|*.bat "D:\MyApps\"
I then type and I see the relevant files in that directory.
One could specify a bunch of directories (maybe as part of bookmarks) they regularly use with keywords and could then simply search within these dirs just by typing the short-name (like say "m" for MyApps) - the MyApps dir could simply appear on the top of the list of all the other "m" results:
A) hit tab, tab to open said directory
B) double space and keep typing to search within said directory (similar to typing a drive letter, i.e: "D: . . . ")
(It'd be more logical to use these like driver letters, I.e. "m:" to search MyApps, yet I was thinking it could almost double the time to make an action vs tab-tab, double-space, would also be easier for mobility challenged individuals).
That would be AWESOME!
This is similar to how "search engines" work in chrome.
In "Address bar search engines" I have search as short-key "d", so to search that engine in chrome I simply type: d, tab, search-term, enter to get a search result.
Thanks again for Everything!
Your long time fan, Morgan