Rene wrote:is this right to have this always updated properly by all pc in Lan ?
Probably not. When Everything is started, the database is loaded from disk into RAM. After that, changes to the database are only done in RAM (of the machine where Everything.exe is running). The first time the database on disk will be updated, is when you stop Everything.
So when you start Everything on your 24/7 PC, Everything.db will not be updated until you exit Eveything after a couple of months.
When you load this Everything.db from your laptop, it will load the old, original database and miss out on all the changes done since.
Besides: If you let multiple systems write to the same Everything.db, all entries will be overwriten by the last one that saves the database to disk.
Somewha like 4 people writing a different document and saving it under the same name. Last one that saves it wins. Other versions will be overwritten.
Note: You can force Everything to dump the RAM database to disk wih commandline Everything.exe -update