A couple questions about using an ETP server.

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A couple questions about using an ETP server.

Post by KernalCheddar »

I'm setting up an ETP server for our company to use so we can have the everything client on our machines pointing to the same location, but I have a couple questions.

1) The server we are running the ETP server on is usually left on but logged out of. however, even with everything installed as a service, we can only connect to it when someone logs into the server. is there a way to fix this?

2) Is there a way to have the Everything client always try to connect to the FTP server on launch, instead of manually needing to connect each time?

3) related to 2, I've noticed that even though everything is still running when you hit the "x" to close it, the client disconnects from the ftp pserver. is there a way to keep it connected?

thank you in advance, let me know if I wasn't clear about something.
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Re: A couple questions about using an ETP server.

Post by void »

1) The server we are running the ETP server on is usually left on but logged out of. however, even with everything installed as a service, we can only connect to it when someone logs into the server. is there a way to fix this?
Please try running the Everything ETP server as a client service (not to be confused with the Everything service):
  • You will not need the Everything service for this.
  • When you have setup your ETP server, install the client service:
  • Please make sure Everything is not running.
  • From a command prompt, navigate to your Everything.exe
  • Run the following command to install the client service:
    Everything.exe -install-client-service
    This will install and start the Everything ETP server as a service.
To uninstall the Everything client service:
  • From a command prompt, navigate to your Everything.exe
  • Run the following command to install the client service:
    Everything.exe -uninstall-client-service
Everything Client Service Help
2) Is there a way to have the Everything client always try to connect to the FTP server on launch, instead of manually needing to connect each time?
Set the Home search to connect to a ETP server:
  • On the Everything client, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Home tab.
  • Change Index to ETP server.
  • Fill in the ETP server details and click OK.
https://www.voidtools.com/support/every ... ions/#home
3) related to 2, I've noticed that even though everything is still running when you hit the "x" to close it, the client disconnects from the ftp pserver. is there a way to keep it connected?
You might like to try the hide on close setting:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
This will keep Everything connected to your ETP server.

https://www.voidtools.com/support/every ... e_on_close
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Re: A couple questions about using an ETP server.

Post by NotNull »

void wrote:
Please try running the Everything ETP server as a client service (not to be confused with the Everything service):
  • You will not need the Everything service for this.
  • When you have setup your ETP server, install the client service:
  • Please make sure Everything is not running.
  • From a command prompt, navigate to your Everything.exe
  • Run the following command to install the client service:
    Everything.exe -install-client-service
    This will install and start the Everything ETP server as a service.
To uninstall the Everything client service:
  • From a command prompt, navigate to your Everything.exe
  • Run the following command to install the client service:
    Everything.exe -uninstall-client-service
Everything Client Service Help
2) Is there a way to have the Everything client always try to connect to the FTP server on launch, instead of manually needing to connect each time?
Set the Home search to connect to a ETP server:
  • On the Everything client, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Home tab.
  • Change Index to ETP server.
  • Fill in the ETP server details and click OK.
https://www.voidtools.com/support/every ... ions/#home
3) related to 2, I've noticed that even though everything is still running when you hit the "x" to close it, the client disconnects from the ftp pserver. is there a way to keep it connected?
You might like to try the hide on close setting:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
This will keep Everything connected to your ETP server.

https://www.voidtools.com/support/every ... e_on_close

Suggestion: add this to the ETP help page (http://www.voidtools.com/support/everything/etp/)
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Re: A couple questions about using an ETP server.

Post by KernalCheddar »

Thank you! these all fixed my issues perfectly.

while I have you here however, I did notice one more issue. for some reason when a client connects to our etp server they don't have access to every folder indexed. I'm currently re-scanning the indexed folders (there are many, it will probably take until tomorrow to finish) and will update if that fixes the issue, but if that doesn't help, any ideas?
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Re: A couple questions about using an ETP server.

Post by Rene »

one thing i've noticed using an ETP server with my tablet is that whenever i do a file function like rename or delete or move, Everything on the tablet (client) doesn't refresh automatically with the new info.

i have to manually refresh the display with F5.

just wondering if i may have missed a setting for this to work ?
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Re: A couple questions about using an ETP server.

Post by CityguyUSA »

Old post but same problem on current release.

Version (x64)
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Re: A couple questions about using an ETP server.

Post by void »

ETP does not update your results in realtime.

Please try one of the following to update your results:
  • Change the search.
  • Scroll the window.
  • Press F5.
Adding an update notification event to the ETP server is on my TODO list.

Please consider the Everything Server. (supports real-time result updating)
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